Saturday, 16 November 2013

Hello guys,

well today, I am going to share a simple virus using batchfile which will display your message continuously even after you close or hit “Okay” it re-appears.this one is not of that much of professional use but you can use it for pranking your friends or girlfriends.

Actually virus is a simple program which can cause damage to your systems. Batch file viruses are used by script kiddies to get in action… If it is used efficiently you can really cause a huge damage to the system.So coming to the topic, here it starts…

Here is the code just copy it and paste it in your notepad

@echo off


msg * I Love You

goto a

Now after pasting it in your notepad click on ‘File’ then ‘Save as’ and give a name with extension ‘.bat‘

Note: Remember, this trick will work only in windows operating system

This trick is just an example, you can try to make different viruses with batch file programming.I will post a tutorial very soon on batch programming
Posted by About Admin on 09:40  No comments »


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